Armoured Hub-Caps: Method
​Place a drop of plastic glue on a plate/square of glass
Lightly touch each rivet with the tip of the sharp craft knife to pick it up, dip the rivet onto the surface of the glue (without submerging it) and place onto the hubcap.
Let the rivet ‘set’ on the hubcap for a couple of seconds so the grab of the glue is greater than the ’grab’ of the blade then the blade will come away leaving the rivet in place.
If the rivet comes off in the glue it’s best to leave it and pick another as if the tip of the blade picks up any glue it all starts getting messy!
Once complete allow to dry, securing the armoured hubcap in place with superglue.

Punch out 4 circles of plasticard
Chop the section into ‘rivets’, 4 per hubcap, cut more than you need. Cut them thinner than the width of the section so they make discs.